/ticket panel
or %ticketpanel
will give you a overview of the command
With this Command you can create a customizable Ticket Panel, which will be sent in the Ticket create Channel and with whom Users can create Tickets
Create a Ticket Panel:
- This creates a Ticket Panel with the given Name, which is sent in the Panel Channel
- The Panel can be customized on many aspects, scroll down for looking all Customizations
/ticket panel create [panelname]
Edit a Ticket Panel:
- This edits a Ticket Panel with the given name, which is sent in the Panel Channel
- The Panel can be customized on many aspects, scroll down for looking all Customizations
/ticket panel edit [panelname]
Delete a Ticket panel:
- This deletes an existing Ticket Panel which has the given Name
/ticket panel delete [panelname]
Check all Panels:
- View all Ticket Panels in a select to get a good overview of your Ticket Panels.
/ticket panel all
Variables, which can be used:
TicketChannelName: {{usertag}}, {{ticketnumber}}
{{usertag}}`, {{ticketnumber}}, {{channelmention}}, {{usermention}}
Panel Channel
- The Channel, where the Panel Message will be sent.
- Pls send the Channelmention in the channel.
Panel Response Message
- The panel response message is the message, which is sent when the user opens a Ticket
E.g. "Hello, we opened a Ticket in {{channelmention}}"
- Its the blue interaction message (ephemeral) in the panel channel.
- Pls send the message in the Channel
Panel Title Message
- The title of the Message, when Embeds are enabled, than it will be sent in form of a Plain Message
Panel Description Message
- The Description of the Message, when Embeds are enabled, than it will be sent in form of a Plain Message
Panel Embed Footer
- The Footer, which is on the Embed Message
Panel Embed Color
- The Color of the Panel Message
Panel Embed Image
- The Image, which is viewed on the Embed Message
Panel Embed Thumbnail
- The Thumbnail, which is viewed on the Embed Message
Enable/Disable Embed Message on Panel Message
- When this option is disabled, the Embed will transformed in a normal message.
Ticket Channelname
- The Channelname, the ticket will be created with.
- E.g "support-"
Ticket Response Message
- The ticket response message is the message, which is sent when the user sends there first Message
- Example:
- It would be annoying, when users creates Ticket for fun or never state there Problem
- When you add a response message, then it will be send when the user sent a message, which can also be used for Staff Pings.
- E.g: "Thx for stating your Questions, @here"
Ticket Plain Message
- The Non Embed Message, which is sent when the Ticket opens.
Ticket Title Message
- The Title of the Embed Message, which is sent when the Ticket opens.
Ticket Description Message
- The Description of the Embed Message, which is sent when the Ticket opens.
Ticket Embed Footer
- The Footer, which is on the Embed Message
Ticket Embed Color
- The Color of the Ticket Embed Message
Ticket Embed Image
- The Image, which is viewed on the Embed Message
Ticket Embed Thumbnail
- The Thumbnail, which is viewed on the Embed Message
Send a Master Panel:
A Master Panel is a Ticket Panel, where all Ticket Panels are merged to one and can be opened by selecting the correct ticket option based on your issue. In a Master Panel the Ticket Settings of each Panel are respected, which allows different customization.