Bot Commands:

Create a Bot Suggestion:

/bot suggest [suggestion]

Custom Bot Command

Start your CustomBot:

/custombot start [token]

Custimze CustomBot Status:

/custombot status [text]

Delete your CustomBot:

/custombot delete

Disable/Enable Category/Feature Command:

Disable Command Category:

  • Categories, which can be disabled: Economy, Fun, Image, Info, Misc, Mobile, Remind

/bot disable category [category]

Enable Command Category:

/bot enable category [category]

Disable Feature/Plugins:

  • This will create a select menu, where you can select the Features, you would like to disable.

/bot disable feature

Reset Command


Deleted Data can never be restored!

Reset Specific Features:

  • This will create a select menu, where you can select the Features, you would like to reset.

/bot reset feature

Delete My User Data:

/bot reset me

Delete Server Data

/bot reset sever

Help Command

Help Page:

/help page

Get more Info about a Command:

/help command [commandname]

Search after a Command:

/help search [commandname]

Invite Command

/bot invite

Policy Command

/bot policy

Prefix Command

/bot prefix [newprefix]

Premium Command

View Premium Perks:

/premium perks

Check the current Premium Stats:

/premium stats

Buy Premium in your Server:

/premium buy [tier] [months]

Vote Command

/bot vote

Last Updated: 9/7/2021, 3:44:08 PM